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Summary of workshops organised by SUCCESS on NMP-research thematic

Organization of International Scientific Workshops is one of the tasks in the frame of Work package 3 “Twinning activity”.

Joint workshops were a very important part of twinning activity implementation, especially those workshops which have been held in conjunction with other larger scale scientific events in Europe and Ukraine. The direct purpose of Scientific Workshops is project achievements presentation to the community and discussion of new research results with leading scientists in the relevant field and receiving of their feedback. Such exchange of ideas is the main driver of scientific progress and contributes to both advancement of SUCCESS project results on new luminescent and scintillation materials research and development and European pool of excellence in the NMP field.

  • Another purpose of SUCCESS Workshops, corresponding to activities of Work package 4, is promotion of ISMA capacities and search for potential partners for future collaboration. Presenting of high quality reports to community increases the awareness of audience about ISMA and SUCCESS FP7 project achievements and lead to growth of ISMA visibility to potential partners. Bilateral conversations during large scale events give the opportunity to find mutual interests and discuss benefits of join efforts.
  • More over, SUCCESS Workshops have a strategic impact on research activity. Analysis of reports allows to reveal the current trends in scintillation and luminescent materials science and to correct research priorities for joint experiments.
  • Acquaintance with current experimental results and new approaches of their interpretation influences on professional advancement of ISMA and UCBL researchers involved into project implementation, especially young scientists. Participation of young researchers in SUCCESS Workshops offers enhancement of their skills in reports preparation and presentation, gives them the opportunity to communicate with leading scientists in the fields of new luminescent material research and development, scintillation physics, nanomaterials and other thematic of institute priority.
  • Inviting of Scientific Reference Team members to take part in the workshops is the best way to demonstrate twinning activity as well as main project results to experts not only on the paper but “alive”. This facilitates peer reviews, accelerate expert’s feedback and enhance Reference Team contribution to the project.
  • SUCCESS Workshops give the opportunity to pay additional attention to project efforts discussion and strategy development. During the SUCCESS Workshops not only managers but researchers involved in the project take part in discussion of joint research and twinning activity. This enhances mutual understanding and advances integration of ISMA and UCBL.

During the project ISMA has organized 5 scientific workshops under technical support of UCBL:

  • 1st SUCCESS International Scientific Workshop “Scintillation and Luminescence Materials”, 17–22 July 2011, Gdansk, Poland;
  • 2nd SUCCESS International Scientific Workshop “Scintillation Materials for Nuclear Medicine”, 19 - 22 September 2011, Kharkov, Ukraine;
  • 3d SUCCESS International Scientific Workshop “Luminescence and Luminescent materials”, 10-14 September, 2012, Halle, Germany;
  • 4th SUCCESS International Scientific Workshop “Future SUCCESS”, 11-12 December, 2012, Lyon, France;
  • 5th SUCCESS International Scientific Workshop “Scintillation Processes and Materials for Radiation Detection”, 15–19 April 2013, Shanghai, China.

Key outcomes:

Five International Scientific Workshops on NMP thematic organized during the 3 year period of SUCCESS project implementation contributed to the main goals of the project and provided some outcomes the most relevant of which are as following:

  • awareness about ISMA research and development among international scientific community successfully raised;
  • to ISMA international cooperation strengthened; new cooperation agreements signed;
  • leading world specialists in the field of materials science were informed about the ISMA-UCBL twinning research activity in particular;
  • new potential partners for future collaboration identified;
  • professional skills of young ISMA scientists improved.

In sum, Success Workshops were a powerful and indispensable tool of SUCCESS project implementation which has a grate impact, not only from scientific point of view, but on the project in the whole.


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