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Useful links

  • CORDIS - Community Research and Development Information Service
    Community Research and Development Information Service for Science, Research and Development (CORDIS) provides information on all EU-supported R&D activities including programmes, projects, results, publications and partners. It is the official source of information on the seventh framework programme (FP7) calls for proposals.
  • IncoNet EECA - S&T International Cooperation Network for Eastern European and Central Asian Countries
    The IncoNet EECA project facilitates the coordination of S&T policies building on common interest and aiming at mutual benefit in order to strengthen the cooperation between EU and EECA. The project addresses policy stakeholders from the EU/AC and EECA countries. The aim is to establish and sustain three dedicated S&T Policy Dialogue Platforms: one biregional EU/AC with all Eastern European and Central Asian countries, and two bilateral platforms for the respective dialogues of EU/AC with Russia and with Ukraine.
  • NIS-NEST - New and Emerging Science and Technology in NIS countries 
    NIS-NEST project aims to contribute towards closer and mutually beneficial collaboration between the EU and the Eastern European partner countries, in the field of novel exploratory research within the 7 th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development of EU. 
  • SCOPE-EAST - Scenarios for a Co-ordinated Approach to Sustainable S/T cooperation with the Eastern Neighbours of the EU 
    The SCOPE-EAST project intends to take sustainable steps in view of an enhanced coordination of the R&D co-operation of interested EU-Member States and Associated Candidate States with Russia and Eastern Europe. 
  • Participant Portal 
    This page gives you access to all FP7 documents.  We are pleased to inform you that the 2013 NMP Orientation Paper is now online. It can be downloaded from the Participant Portal
  • European Research Area home page 
    The European Research Area is composed of all research and development activities, programmes and policies in Europe which involve a transnational perspective. 



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