30-10-2013 END of SUCCESS project. Executive Summary
SUCCESS project has played a significant role in the development of the ground for networking of the European research centres and shown a strategic interest for the European Union to create a single research area, which combines basic research, experimental development and production of luminescence materials and scintillators…
27-10-2013 2013 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, and Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors workshop
ISMA scientists took part in the annual international event IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, and Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors workshop NSS-MIC-RTSD (October 27th – November 2nd 2013 Seoul, Korea).
27-09-2013 International Conference “Advanced Scintillation Materials” ASM-2013
Large scale international conference “Advanced Scintillation Materials” (ASM-2013) was organized by Institute for scintillation Materials in the frame of SUCCESS project and was held on 23-27 September 2013, in Kharkov, Ukraine. The conference attracted about 90 participants from different countries including world-known specialists in the field of scintillation physics. Beyond the program a special training for young scientists was organized.
26-09-2013 5th SUCCESS Consortium Meeting
The final consortium meeting brought together all project partners and the Members of Scientific Reference Team in order to summarize project results and achievements.
20-04-2013 5th SUCCESS International Workshop Scintillation Processes and Materials for Radiation Detection
The 5th SUCCESS International Scientific Workshop was held in conjunction with the large scale international conference SCINT 2013 giving an opportunity to present the results of the SUCCESS project scientific activity to the international SCINT community.
20-04-2013 12th International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and their Applications SCINT 2013
Leading and young scientists of ISMA, UCBL as well as Members of Scientific Reference team have participated in the international conference SCINT 2013 which has been held on 15-19 April 2013, Shanghai, China.
12-12-2012 4th SUCCESS Consortium Meeting
Partners and Members of scientific reference team took part in discussion of the international cooperation strategy and joint preparation of applications for future collaborative projects.
12-12-2012 4th SUCCESS International Scientific Workshop “Future SUCCESS”
Workshop has been held by ISMA and UCBL in order to provide the base for consolidation of scientific efforts and resources for synergy of European and Associated Countries research centers.
11-12-2012 The Workshop «European Framework Research and Innovation Programs: Results and prospects for Ukraine»
ISMA researchers took part in workshop to obtaine detailed information about opportunities of Research and Innovation Programs of EC, new EC program HORIZONT 2012 and forthcoming calls.
23-11-2012 3d International Conference on Engineering of Scintillation Materials and Radiation Technology ISMART2012
ISMA with help of Joint Institute for Nuclear Research have continued the ISMART conference series, the 3d International Conference ISMART2012 was held on November 19–23, 2012 in Dubna, Russia.
13-09-2012 3d SUCCESS Consortium Meeting
3d SUCCESS consortium meeting was aimed on strategic issues linked to straightening of ISMA involvement into European scientific area trough extending of the international cooperation and implicating of new partners into joint collaborative projects.
10-09-2012 3d SUCCESS International Scientific Workshop “Luminescence and Luminescent materials”
3d SUCCESS International Scientific Workshop was held in conjunction with large scale international conference LUMDETR2012 to disseminate project scientific achievements and to promote successful international cooperation in the frame of FP7 activity.
10-09-2012 8th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation LUMDETR2012
SUCCESS team with project experts took part in conference LUMDETR2012 and in internal advisory committee meeting in order to discuss main trends in research of luminescent material and transformers of ionizing radiation on the next 3 years.
29-05-2012 Joint seminar of ISMA staff and Scientific Reference Team
Scientific seminar with project expert Prof. Lushchik, Institut of Physics, University of Tarty, Estonia, has been held in ISMA, Kharkov. Meeting was aimed to discussion of joint research, future collaboration feasibility and SUCCESS project progress review.
14-05-2012 IEEE Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications, SORMA West 2012
Leading scientists of ISMA, UCBL and Members of Scientific Reference team took part in the SORMA West 2012, which has been held on May 14-17, 2012, Oakland, California.
29-03-2012 2nd Project consortium meeting
Consortium meeting has been held in LPCLM/UCBL Lyon, France. Consortium meeting aimed to bring together all partners of the project in order to foster the direct discussion of the project progress and the strategic issues.
14-11-2011 The 2nd International Young Scientists Conference on Luminescent Processes in Condensed Matter, LUMCOS 2011.
Following the tradition, ISMA has organized The 2nd International Young Scientists Conference. The conference has gave to young scientists a chance to present their recent results on pertinent conference topics.
23-10-2011 The 2011 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference
Leading scientists of ISMA and Members of Scientific Reference team took part in The 2011 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference (23-29 October, 2011.Valencia, Spain).
21-09-2011 Training Session “Prospects and Opportunities of Participation in FP7 Projects for Ukrainian Scientists”
Within the framework of the 2nd SUCCESS International Scientific Workshop a special training session has been organized and moderated by the consortium team under the task 4.3 ISMA FP7 training.
21-09-2011 First-year-end SUCCESS consortium meeting
Consortium meeting has been held in the framework of the International Conference on Nuclear Medicine. Physics, Engineering and Practice and SUCCESS scientific international workshop on Scintillation materials for Nuclear Medicine.
19-09-2011 2nd SUCCESS International Scientific Workshop “Scintillation materials for Nuclear Medicine”
The Workshop has been held in conjunction with International Conference on Nuclear Medicine. Physics, Engineering and Practice.
19-09-2011 International Conference on Nuclear Medicine. Physics, Engineering and Practice, NucMed.
Workshop has been held in Kharkov, Ukraine, 19–22 September 2011, under support of the U.S. Department of State and Argonne National Laboratory—in order to advance nuclear medicine, scientific and technological research in related fields.
16-09-2011 International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and their Applications (SCINT 2011)
Staff of ISMA and LPCLM/UCBL took part in International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and their Applications (SCINT 2011) (16-20 September 2011, Germany). Partners presented 8 reports, 7 of them are supported by SUCCESS.
20-07-2011 Joint seminar of project partners and Scientific Reference Team on Twining plan validation
Scientific staff of ISMA and LPCLM/UCBL discussed main topics of joint research and essential steps of twining activity for project implementation. Members of Scientific Reference Team were invited to take part in the discussion and refinement of the Twinning Plan.
17-07-2011 1st SUCCESS International Scientific Workshop “Scintillation and Luminescence Materials”
The Workshop has been organized by ISMA with technical support by UCBL and has been held in conjunction with IWASOM-2011.
17-07-2011 The THIRD International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials” (IWASOM).