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2nd Success consortium meeting

29 March, 2012, Lyon, France

Meeting objectives :

Consortium meeting aimed to bring together all partners of the project in order to foster the direct discussion of the project progress, to prepare for First Project Periodic Report and to fined solution of encountered problems. A particular focus has been put on the strategic issues linked to international cooperation and feasibility study of Joint Virtual Lab. The partners have considered the project results task by task for the first reporting period (November 2010 to April 2012) and discussed work plan for the next 9 months (April 2012 to December 2012).

Nota : Taking into account the short time allocated to the consortium meeting, bilateral exchanges between partners will be organised during March 28-30, 2012.

Marie-France Joubert and Oleksander Gektin provided a short overview of the SUCCESS meeting programme and its objectives, structured around discussion between the partners on the scientific, administrative and financial topics referring to the project.

All issues referring to the project management (WP1) and preparation of first Periodic Report have been discussed. Special attention has been put on timeframe of deliverables submission and internal workflow for Management and Financial Reports preparation.

Oleksander Gektin and Andrei Belsky have presented SUCCESS work progress per tasks on the first reporting period. Each work package have been discussed in details.

The partners have exchanged ideas and elaborated strategy of future joint activities especially Joint Virtual Lab set up and possibilities of consortium enhancement.

Next 9 month (April – December 2012) Workplan was elaborated. Topics of Joint scientific research and Plan of joint experiments have been discussed.


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