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Virtual Lab
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Types of project activity

  • Preparatory and analytical activities allow better understanding of ISMA forces, weaknesses, and socio-economic demands and will serve as the base for ISMA Strategic Development Plan preparation.
  • Twinning activities are based on the twinning and joint research plan prepared and implemented jointly by ISMA and UCBL. This activity includes, for example, exchange of researchers and young specialists, organization of joint scientific workshops and joint research experiments, feasibility study and, if the results are positive, set up of a joint virtual laboratory ISMA-UCBL.
  • International cooperation activities, such as networking & brokerage, ETP and FP7 consortia integration etc, which are implemented on wide European and regional level, involving other European organizations, thus extending the project impact. UCBL is pleased to open its scientific networks in Europe for ISMA.
  • Training and coaching activities aim to increase ISMA understanding of FP7, build competences and enhance the Institute participation in FP7.


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