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3d International Conference on Engineering of Scintillation Materials and Radiation Technology ISMART2012

19 - 23 November 2012, Dubna, Russia

ISMA continued the ISMART conference series which is every two years. It all started in 2008 and continued in 2010 in ISMA premises, Kharkov, Ukraine.

The 3d International Conference on Engineering of Scintillation Materials and Radiation Technology has been hosted by Joint Institute for Nuclear Research.

Series of conference has been devoted to radiation registration problems in different application domains from high energy physics to medical imagine and radiation security systems. Multidisciplinary conference gave the possibility to embrace current advantages of fundamental and applied research as well as state of the art technologies and engineering decisions for radiation detectors development.

Leading scientists of Russia and Ukraine took the opportunity to discuss the progress in fundamental and applied research for radiation detectors development and engineering.

For more information visit the conference website www.ismart.su


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