3d SUCCESS International Scientific Workshop “Luminescence and Luminescent materials”
Venue: Martin Luther University of Halle 10-14 September, 2012, Halle, Germany
The 3d SUCCESS International Scientific Workshop “ Luminescence and Luminescent materials” has been held simultaneously with 8th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation LUMDETR2012.
176 participants from Europe, CIS, Asia and USA take part in these events.
Particular focus of SUCCESS Workshop has been put on evaluation of main project scientific results from the point of view of the current trends in physics of luminescent and scintillation materials; dissemination of project scientific achievements and promotion of successful international cooperation in the frame of FP7 activity.
The following topics were covered:
- Radioluminescence and scintillation mechanisms, energy transfer and storage in solids
- Luminescent materials for detectors and transformers of ionizing radiation
- Defects in insulating materials
- Novel phenomena, energy transfer and storage in nanophosphors and nanocomposites
- New materials and preparation techniques
SUCCESS Workshop was held in conjunction with large scale international conference in order to bring together experts in the field of physics and chemistry of luminescent transformers of ionizing radiation, luminescent spectroscopy and other methods of material characterization.
Reports of SUCCESS team and Scientific Reference Team members were introduced during specific conference sessions and didn’t be extracted to separate session. This strategy allows us to provide the wider audience for project results dissemination among the experts in the particular field of research.
Active work of SUCCESS team and project experts during conference sessions and bilateral communications allow us to obtain feed back from highly qualified specialists, to evaluate the project scientific achievements and to promote cooperation between European and Ukrainian research centers.
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