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The 4th Consortium meeting

December, 12 2012, Lyon, France

Consortium meeting aimed to discuss the project progress and strategic issues linked to international cooperation and Joint Virtual Lab creation.

The partners have considered the project results task by task for the reporting period since May 2012 to December 2012 and approved work plan for the next 10 months (January 2013 to October 2013), in particular, organization of the Large Scale International Conference in Ukraine and 5th Scientific Workshop. Partners have discussed exit strategy and main issues concerning preparation of Sustainability plan on 2013-2014 years.

A particular focus has been put on the official signature of Memorandum of Understanding about Joint Virtual Lab creation.

Partners and Members of scientific reference team took part in discussion of the international cooperation strategy and joint preparation of applications for future collaborative projects. Perspective directions of joint research in the case of extended collaboration have been proposed on the base of materials presented during the 4th SUCCESS Scientific Workshop "Future SUCCES", which was held on December 11-12, 2012.
New extended consortium for future collaborative projects has been approved.


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